Drilling machine with 2 heads. The first turns right to drive the tool. The second is a hollow shaft head which drives the casing and turns to the left. A collecting device is placed between the two heads to collect the cuttings and to not pollute the environment of the drilling site. A high-frequency vibrating hammer is placed on the side of the swing out carriage to take undisturbed samples in the center of the borehole.

Machine with rotating head combined with an out-the-hole hammer capable of drilling with different tools: augers, down-the-hole hammers, CFH or ECS casings, sampling of undisturbed samples

Machine with rotating head combined with an out-the-hole hammer capable of drilling with different tools: augers, down-the-hole hammers, CFH or ECS casings, sampling of undisturbed samples

Stabilization jacks and double casing clamp for unscrewing tubes and casings

Machine in transport position

Drilling machine with 2 drill heads. To the right for the tools, left for the casing. With cuttings collector to avoid polluting the surrounding area of the borehole. Vibrating head for sampling of undisturbed samples with gauge